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What is the right therapy for me?

Both procedures refer to hydrotherapy, which is performed using water. However, the Charcot shower has a stronger impact, and the person is in a standing position, and the underwater massage is softer and is performed in a special bath.

As a result, the Charcot shower is a stronger and “painful” procedure that can lead to minor bruising and redness, so it is contraindicated for people with thin and sensitive skin. Pain appears in the first 2-3 sessions, and then the skin gets used to the pressure. Underwater hydromassage, however, has a milder effect and does not cause bruises, only slight redness, which quickly passes.

Which procedure is right for me?

The choice of procedure depends mainly on contraindications. Due to its strong effect, the Charcot shower is contraindicated for people with dystrophy and underweight - they are only allowed underwater Tangetor hydromassage. If you are overweight, it is recommended to start the course with an underwater hydromassage and alternate with a Charcot shower.

Which procedure is more effective against cellulite?

Charcot’s shower will be very effective for cellulite of degree 1-2. In the case of 3-4 degrees of cellulite, which is accompanied by swelling and tissue fibrosis, it is recommended to start a course of underwater hydromassage, and then continue with the Charcot shower treatment.

How often do you need to attend procedures?

It is best to do a course of (at least) 10 treatments in a shorter period of time (say every third day), and then maintain the results by visiting once every 7-10 days.

If you are still not sure about the choice of therapy, contact our professional staff, who will be happy to help you make a decision and draw up an individual plan for you.

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